Devotion to Jesus
Everything we do should come as an overflow of our love for Jesus and gratitude for what He has done. We lay our lives down for the King and His Kingdom because He laid His life down for us. We constantly aim to direct people to intimacy with the Lord, both in our training and in those we minister to in the community. We steer away from religion and towards devotion.
Authentic relationships
We believe that God works primarily through relationships. Our relationships with Him and with one another are the most important thing in life and in ministry. We find that true joy comes as we are real with each other and learn to be vulnerable. This also makes teamwork beautiful. We have a high standard of honouring one another, encouraging honest communication and working alongside one another empowering each other to shine for the Lord Jesus.
Led by the Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit in us is the best counsellor, teacher, friend, evangelist etc. We believe that the children of God are led by the Spirit. We teach and equip volunteers and leaders to hear the voice of God and by led by Him into the good works God has prepared in advance. Like Jesus we want to see what the Father is doing and do that. We don’t want to merely carry out a programme, but within the various structures set up we want the Holy Spirit to lead and be in control.
Word of God
We believe that the Word of God is our standard for how we do life and ministry. We encourage all our volunteers and leaders to be daily feeding from the Word and to teach the Word to those they disciple and reach out to.
“If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.”
“Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Our desire is to see people free from hurts and idols, thoroughly enjoy Jesus… and leading other people to do the same. It is a priority for us to allow the Holy Spirit space and time to keep bringing us to greater depths of freedom so that He can freely minister to and through us
Prayer and Worship
We love time in God’s presence, praying and worshipping Him. We have a prayer room set aside for time in His Presence, which we do individually and corporately. We also have a desire to create worship opportunities for people in the community to come and be in the Presence of the Lord. We also believe that what we do should be birthed in prayer.
We love to serve and encourage each other to serve the one in front of you and not mind who sees… to live a lifestyle of serving whether it is in structured ministry or daily life. We primarily serve our master Jesus and do all for Him. In addition we believe in encouraging one another and feel that celebrating each other is beautiful and powerful.
We are passionate about the lost coming to know Jesus. We run a Backpackers hostel and often have guests from around the world staying with us. We constantly look for opportunities to be salt and light to these people and direct them towards a relationship with the Lord Jesus. We also encourage evangelism as a lifestyle and model that.